Old Dork Yells at Clouds

Keep Our Pedestrians Safe

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Filed under plano plano-police walkable-cities hostile-signs

Keep Our Pedestrians Safe

I agree with you, Plano Police Department. Let's keep our pedestrians safe. Let's install crosswalks at all corners of mid-block intersections instead of on just one side. Let's give a bunch of overly wide stroads road diets so that pedestrians have more of a buffer from traffic that travels at 40+ miles per hour. Let's make our traffic light cycles actually do something when a pedestrian presses a crossing button instead of having no effect whatsoever. Let's actually create safe alternate routes for pedestrians when we do our endless road construction instead of just closing sidewalks and intersections to pedestrians.

Oh, wait, I'm getting a bulletin from the city council. These signs were just put up to get drivers to harass homeless people since the Supreme Court invalidated anti-panhandling ordinances. Let's only put these signs up in low and middle income areas and along transit routes and not in the wealthy transit deserts.

Le sigh. This is why we can't have nice things.