Old Dork Yells at Clouds

Respect Works Here

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Filed under healthcare hostile-signs

Respect Works Here

Respect is earned, not given. Passive agressive signs like this don't work. They didn't work during the pandemic to stop the Karens from talking about MY HIPAA RIGHTS or when employers complained that they had to close because they couldn't find workers who would work for poverty wages.

People are going to be jerks. Sorry. A sign won't change that. Maybe you should consider not denying people the medcine they need, paying your staff better, and improving labor conditions before wasting money on a sign that won't do anything?

I know this sign was probably put up before Luigi, but it is a bit amusing to consider that a large corporation's response to a grassroots movement against their unjust industry is a cling on a fortified drive-through window.

Suburban Wildlife Photos: The Red Tailed Hawk

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Suburban Red-Tailed Hawk

According to our friends at Cornell University, this is a red-tailed hawk.

You might know it better from media, as whenever someone needs a sound of a raptor, they use the cry of a red-tailed hawk. Thanks, Wingspan. I did not hear it make a noise, as it was too busy eating a field mouse that it found.

This was in the yard of Little Dork's best friend, so after the hawk was done with their business, the two kids investigated the scene of the mouse murder. A barefoot Little Dork decided that the best course of action was to stick her barefeet into the mouse carcass to investigate. Two disinfecting wipes later, the only lesson learned from the forensic investigation was that sticking your barefeet into a mouse carcass is gross.


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Gallica: Besides, if there were no taxes, how could the kingdom help anyone? It'd be every person for themselves...

Maybe that was the goal all along, Gallica.

Keep Our Pedestrians Safe

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Keep Our Pedestrians Safe

I agree with you, Plano Police Department. Let's keep our pedestrians safe. Let's install crosswalks at all corners of mid-block intersections instead of on just one side. Let's give a bunch of overly wide stroads road diets so that pedestrians have more of a buffer from traffic that travels at 40+ miles per hour. Let's make our traffic light cycles actually do something when a pedestrian presses a crossing button instead of having no effect whatsoever. Let's actually create safe alternate routes for pedestrians when we do our endless road construction instead of just closing sidewalks and intersections to pedestrians.

Oh, wait, I'm getting a bulletin from the city council. These signs were just put up to get drivers to harass homeless people since the Supreme Court invalidated anti-panhandling ordinances. Let's only put these signs up in low and middle income areas and along transit routes and not in the wealthy transit deserts.

Le sigh. This is why we can't have nice things.

Unsolicited Opinions on On Vicious Worlds by Bethany Jacobs

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I can't think of any successful science fiction book that doesn't go on to become a series today. I wish that there were more books in the genre that are stand-alone, single experiences. The genre should encourage more single works as it allows for writers to play with different speculative situations. Isn't that the core of science fiction?

I enjoyed the first Kindom book, These Burning Stars. Esek is a good anti-hero, and Chono is a great reader stand-in of how a person with modern-ish mores would handle having to cater to a borderline psychopath. The universe is different, alien, and intriguing. It is very much a more violent version of Martine's Teixcalaan series.

However, On Vicious Worlds falls into the middle book of a trilogy problem. The book largely exists to bridge the next book in the series. The conflicts and struggles of the protagonists of the novel don't end up meaning much in the end, as the events are transitory and lack permanence. The climax of the book is unsatisfying as the antagonists machinations just collapse and give way to a more cliched villain. I don't have a spoiler plugin for my CMS yet (anyone recommend one for Pelican?), so I won't leave the details here.

Six is a poor replacement for Esek, and whenever the focus shifts to them, it just reminds me of the better first book in the series. Hopefully, the next book will deliver better than On Vicious Worlds.

Suburban Wildlife Photos: The Coyote

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It's not the fabled Plano Mountain Lion, but it's still a surprising thing to see wandering in a neighborhood pretty far from a forested area.

Suburban Coyote

Elections Have Consequences

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So, fellow citizens, you voted for a fascist. Remember that when a fascist says that they are going to do something, they are going to do it. It is not idle bluster. Here is what is likely going to happen in the next four years.

The deportations will begin as soon as Trump is sworn into office. All the immigrants with asylum cases will be rounded up first as they have their addresses on file with DHS. The stereotypical "illegal" immigrant, the one who has crossed the southern border on their own without documents will be harder to find. This will lead to police in friendly states detaining people who don't look like the "typical" American under suspicion of being "illegal" immigrants. The Trump administration will try to deport the people they have rounded up, but the countries they are trying to send them to won't accept them. This will lead to the expansion of the private immigration detention system and of temporary detainment camps. People will die in this system, not out of actual killings, but of neglect. There will be too many people in too few detention centers - tens of thousands will die. The Trump administration will refuse access to the detention centers as the people being detained there are not U.S. citizens (even though plenty are).

Once the detention system runs out of the readily available people to detain, the administration will revoke birthright citizenship. They will try to pass an amendment that removes it from the Constitution, but it will fail to be ratified by the required 3\4 of the states. Birthright citizenship will start to be revoked anyways, as the executive and legislative branches argue before the Supreme Court that it is within their power to regulate citizenship. By a 6-3 vote along ideological lines, the Supreme Court will agree. People who have their citizenship only due to birthright will have it revoked, and they will be fed into the detention system. The administration and friendly states continue to push this line and revoke the citizenship of any naturalized citizen convicted of even a misdemeanor. They, also, disappear into the camps.

In the judicial branch, the Trump administration will manage to appoint even more judges at every level including the Supreme Court. The judicial system will be completely subverted, and will become yet another arm of the Trump administration. The law will not matter, only loyalty to the Republican leadership.

On day one, Trump will fire the majority of the non-partisan federal bureaucracy. Only DHS and DOD are immune to the purges. The workers will never be replaced, and most federal departments will wither and die. No federal regulations are enforced, especially after the packed Judiciary repudiates the Chevron Doctrine. This leads to corporations having no oversight and having free reign to do whatever they want. Consumers have no recourse as there is no federal bureaucracy to issue rules, and no judge will ever rule against a business supported by the Trump administration. It is a time of record mergers and layoffs that always result from them. The rich get even richer and they get even more tax cuts from the friendly government.

One of the reasons why people claim to have voted for the fascists is that they would "Make Groceries Affordable Again". The opposite will happen, as all the immigrant farm workers and food processors are caught up in the alien pogroms. Prices of food skyrocket far beyond even the COVID era. The prices of other goods also increase exponentially, as the administration has instituted a 20% tariff on all overseas goods. Everything is far more expensive as everything has a supply chain that includes things from overseas. Inflation doesn't quite get to the levels of hyper-inflation, but the inflation rate is at a rate that has never been seen in the United States.

Healthcare is in shambles. Early in the administration, the Affordable Care Act is repealed in its entirety. Insurers, free from regulation, deny nearly every single claim and refuse to insure people with existing conditions. Inflation increases the cost of healthcare even higher than other sectors as the healthcare industry has always been at the forefront of cost increases. Abortion, needless to say, has been outlawed in all states. It clearly did not affect how the electorate voted, so why bother to keep it legal? It keeps the base happy!

LBGT folk are harassed and indicted as "sex criminals". Anyone who has received gender affirming care or has had a same-sex marriage is thrown into the detention system that was created for immigrants in the first days of the Trump presidency.

War has returned to the world that thought it had moved past it. Trump pulls out support for Ukraine, and Russia pushes back the under-supplied Ukrainians all the way back to the NATO frontier in Poland. Emboldened, Russia then seeks to finish its other frozen conflicts in Transnistria and South Ossetia. The Soviet Empire is back in all but name. The United States leaves NATO, throwing the world's entire security apparatus into disarray. China and North Korea seize their opportunity to settle their scores with Taiwan and South Korea. These wars leave the semiconductor industry in ruins, but it doesn't really matter as Americans can't afford things with semiconductors in them anymore anyways.

Is this doomerism? Yes. But many of these things have a good chance of becoming reality. I really hope I am wrong.

Please Don't Vote for The Fascist

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So, Donald Trump is a fascist; he is promising to do fascist things, like the violent suppression of opposition. The ideological movement he leads, which we’ve termed ‘Trumpism’ here, is quite clearly a species of fascism, fitting every point in the most common taxonomy of the ideology.

Amiibo Conversations: Terry Bogard

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Little Dork is playing with some Amiibo. In front of Little Dork is Princess Daisy, Princess Peach, Wedding Princess Peach, Rosalina, the Squid Sisters, Ryu, and Terry Bogard.

Old Dork: Which toy is your favorite?

Little Dork: I like this one! He's doing the dab!

Terry Bogard Dabbing

Poor Terry Bogard. None of the youth respect you.

Unsolicited Opinions on the Persona 3 Reload Expansion Pass

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I really enjoyed Persona 3 Reload. I didn't play the original Persona 3 as I came into the series with Persona 4, so I don't have some of the baggage that some long time players have regarding the combat changes. On the contrary, I think the combat in the game is the best in the series. It took the combat in Persona 5 and made it more balanced and engaging.

That doesn't change the fact that the meat of the Expansion Pass, Episode Aigis, gives you nothing but combat. I enjoyed the combat of Persona 3 Reload greatly, and I quickly got tired of the dungeon after dungeon in Episode Aigis. At the end of each dungeon, you get a 5 minute character scene. That's it. Everything else is dungeon crawl. It's not the eighties anymore Atlas - the Wizardry format doesn't work.

I will give Atlas credit for the climax of the Episode Aigis, it is very fun and engaging. All of the characterization and plot of Episode Aigis is crammed into maybe the last hour out of thirty hours of gameplay. I don't care how engaging your endgame is, it is not worth thirty hours of non-stop dungeon crawling.

The extra music and costumes in the expansion pass are not worth discussing. No one would have bought the costumes or music DLC if they weren't bundled with Episode Aigis. Someone must like this kind of garbage DLC, as companies keep publishing cosmetic DLC. I have yet to meet this person - they are probably very deranged.